Hør (drømmer du?) [Listen (are you dreaming?)]



Wood and paint, 365 cm in length, 140 cm in diameter

still image, person

This large scale sculpture hangs from the ceiling in three parts, capturing light and visually carrying references to speech, language, utterance, and vocal expression. At the same time, there is something stargazing-like about the megaphone-like sculpture when you place yourself under it – from here you can look up and look out into the horizon towards a vanishing point that lies far outside the walls of the hall.

As is common to Thams’ work, things, and materials as well as words and linguistic meanings are broken up and dissected and then reassembled in new ways – creating room for nuances and new understandings of what already exists. Here the speaking and listening device is altered and dissected, opening for air and light to flow through the sculpture and it’s metaphors.

still image, person
Installation views, Vandrehallen Kunsthal, DK. Photos by Frej Rosenstjerne
