DttC - Artist-run culture in the Nordic region
2021"Key in Hand: The Artist-Run as Professional Gesture and Urgent Necessity," chapter in the publication Death to the Curator - Artist-run culture in the Nordic region, published by Kunsthall Oslo, 2021, pp. 110-121.
In the text Thams reflect on her own self-organisational experience mixed with examples from a handfull of good colleagues from far and near.
Death to the Curator - Artist-run culture in the Nordic region consists of contributions by: Alta Art Space, Andromeda 8220, Bananskolen & Goodiepal, Gize, hangmenProjects, Khartoum Contemporary Art Center, Honza Hoeck, Kling & Bang, Manège, Marie Thams, Podium, Skogen, Small Projects, Sorbus, Sydhavn Station, Tenthaus, Third Space, Vandaler forening and Vermilion Sands.
More about the publication + get your copy here: kunsthaloslo.no