HCØ Hus, Copenhagen, DK
May 2015 - June 2015HCØ Hus
H.C. Ørsteds Vej 69 - Frederiksberg, DK
23.05.15 17pm
Lea Løppenthin / Marie Thams
Lars Fynboe / Frederik Hesseldahl
Lotte Løvholm / Maria Bordorff
bygninger [buildings] is a marking of the socio economic dynamics’ impact on cultural life and movement in urban space. the critical reflection builds on the demolishing of a specific building housing artist's workshops and a gallery that will be transformed into a supermarket and a parking lot. “bygninger” materializes into a two-sided gesture that centers around a literary piece "bygninger" created by author Lea Løppenthin on the condition of the specific house. the first sentences from the Løppenthins work has been written on the facade of the building and will remain a "noisy" gesture in the streetscape until the house is torn down. a time lapse video documentation of the demolishing and the deconstruction of the writinge will be made available on this site. visual artist Marie Thams has created a conceptual piece consisting of 300 letters addressed to the house with Løppenthin's "bygninger" inside. the piece is performative in that that the audience in the exhibition space is invited to take a letter home with them and send it to the address after the house is gone.
about the artists:
in her work author Lea Løppenthin portrays structures and systems we are surrounded by presenting the reader with a diagnosis of the society.
Marie Thams' work departs from an interest in human intention, will and potential together with an interest in discussing the conditions of the arts and investigate the valuation of artistic activities in today's society.
contemporary address is an relfective space for artists to dwell on urgent matters in collaboration with curators Maria Bordorff and Lotte Løvholm