aaaarena, performance



Duration: 16 min
Danish text and voice composition

In the performance “aaaarena”, the voice acts as heartfelt instrument, forming a soundscape together with speech. The work deals with questions around the body as an arena and tool in the accelerated and norm-setting working life – which shapes the experience of life, our ability to hear other than human-made mechanisms, our connectedness, and more.

In her voice and speech-based performances, Marie Thams works with the potentials of the body and the individual in sociopolitical as well as individual terms, through working with the voice and in her personal and critical texts.

excerpts aaaarena, Marie Thams, at Friisland Center for Performance Art, DK, 2022

tape episode1
Photos: Linea Krebs Thorhauge/Kunsten Museum of Modern Art Aalborg, 2021
