Come Walk With Me
Duration: 15 min.
Platform, coated, 70 x 70 cm
Come Walk With Me expresses the search of an indignant voice, wishing to move away from restricting individualism toward a state of being that allow for plurality and union. On the way cold competition is rejected and replaced with manifold competence. The text and performance manifests a whish to create new shared sensuous and intellectual body – in a call for the audience to rise together and create a new meaningful movement.
In the performance Thams combines the pulsating body with critical thought while alternating between speech, stepping, walking speechless – pushing the intonation and bodily language in a rhythmical, present and outgoing monologue.
Excerpt from script:
Come, walk with me
Keep up! –––
Keep up is the message that the wind calls out. Keep up. Keep your ground safe. Keep the level. Keep up on your feet. Keep t. Safe from other’s failures. Others’ preciousness, others’ doubt. Put up a fence if necessary, but a light one, one that allows for upward movement. On the latter of success. Your success
Keep walking
Individual in mind, body, action. ––– Individual enrichment. Yours alone. Individual fall.
Do you feel that self-containing body by now? And the self-suf cient mind? Self-interested entity in a shell. Hostile. Lacking empathy. Closed in defense. Self-defense. As individuals we stand next to each other but alone, a parallel existence short on interdependence. Short sighted.
But. Hey. .******.
Let’s walk together
There something in the currency paradigm separating us not only from one another, but even body from head. See how our thinking heads take off from our pounding bodies? Giving power to effective mind spin – that which outplays the pulse, the skin, the nerve. Sensibility out of play. Out of focus.
So, how would a joint rhythm feel? A shared urge and momentum? Synchronized, moving towards in nite new worlds? Herein will our joint meaning and substance appear.
It’s a search for contact. To act and live with the world. Passionate aspiration in muscle and mind. Going against the stream, as in electric resistance. And on the way looking the others owing by right in the eye.
Collective impulse to change the current.
Come along!
Come, walk with me
––– = stop/pause
.******. = walking speechlessly
.... = walking while talking