Within My Voice, outdoor


Sound installation, outdoor version

6-channel sound installation, 8:30 min, loop
Platform: diameter 6,5 m, height 1,7 m

Installation view, Within My Voice
Installation view, Egeskov Slotspark, 2018.

Voice, text and composition: Marie Thams, Sound production: Audio Expertise/Ask Kæreby

In Within My Voice Marie Thams works with over twenty voice training exercises otherwise used to optimise the voice for better and stronger professional accomplishment at, for example, job interviews, work presentations, or other career achievements. On the platform the audience is surrounded by a stream of voices shifting between investigative, raw use of voice and whisper, and linguistic reflexions. Reflexions concerning the inner voice transformation that is driven by outer expectations, together with a focus on the human ungraspable quality which the voice also contains.
